Meet the newest addition to the Walton family. This is "Prince Harry the Charming One". He is an 8 week old Yorkie and our new puppy.
Since losing Brutus, I had no interest in getting another dog, but the kids really wanted a puppy to call their own. They had been trying to convince me to get a puppy since last fall. We would talk about it and I kept telling them I just wasn't ready for another dog. Kevin was all for a dog and would have let Santa bring them a puppy. I had to remind him that we would have to housebreak a puppy, and I didn't think standing outside in the dead of winter waiting for the dog to do his business was such a good idea.
We found out that Kevin's sister-in-law's Yorkie was going to have puppies. We gave Marsha a call and we offered to buy one of her puppies. She told us that we could have one. That was such a generous offer because buying a puppy can be expensive. On February 16, Annabelle had 3 little boy puppies and all we had to do was wait till they got old enough to be away from mama.
We had planned on going to get the puppy this weekend. We would have to go to Little Rock to get him. We have so busy on the weekends for the past month, I was not excited to go. Kevin had to go Memphis this week for work and he made time to go to get the puppy on Wednesday, April 1. It wasn't easy to do this because he still had to go other places this week but he did it anyway. He agreed that he didn't want to go anywhere this weekend either. I didn't tell the kids that Daddy was bringing home the puppy. I did let Faith know I had a secret and it about drove her crazy because I wouldn't tell her. Kevin got home about 10:00 on Wednesday night and Faith was still awake in her room so we let come meet Prince Harry. She was so excited.
Prince Harry is very sweet. He really likes the kids. The kids are quite funny about him. Faith is suppose to take him out when she is at home. She didn't quite understand that she would have to actually take him outside. All we had to do was open the door and let Brutus out. She tried that with Prince Harry and he just sat on the step wondering what to do. I had to tell her exactly what to do and she wasn't too sure about that. She also has to clean up his accidents, and she really thinks that is gross. John Derrick kept carrying his crate around trying to get him to go inside.
So you are probably wondering about his name. Prince Harry the Charming One, what a name for a dog. I wanted him to have a regal type name. I wanted to just call him Prince Charming. Faith thought of the name Harry. I liked that name but I had to add "Prince" to the beginning. Since I figured he would charm himself into out lives, I also added "the Charming One" to the end. John Derrick wanted to call him Batman and Robin, Elmo and Mickey. He would argue with you about his name. So sometimes is might be Prince Harry, Batman and Robin, Elmo, Mickey the Charming one but we'll just call him Prince Harry for short.
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